SCP9150 P25 Covert Portable Radio
SKU: SCP9150SIMOCO£820.00 – £940.00Targeted at covert public safety and commercial users, the SCP9150 portable provides high performance reliable communications in a very compact and robust package.
SDB670 DMR Base Station/Repeater
SKU: SDB670 SeriesSIMOCO£1,725.00 – £1,800.00Supporting instant push-to-talk voice communications and VoIP telephone connectivity as well as open-standards applications support, the Simoco Xd digital base station is more than just a radio repeater. Each SDB670 forms the bridge between groups of radios and extends this to the world of IP.
SDB680 DMR Base Station/Repeater
SKU: SDB680SIMOCO£2,895.00Designed for use either as a single site solution with RF elements and control all in a single 2U box to large multi site networks.
Its all IP architecture is specifically designed for business critical applications. Furthermore the SDB600 offers exceptional resilience. It does this by distributing the control function throughout the network. An additional benefit is a reduced spares holding.
The SDB670/680 are remotely configurable making in the field changes simple and quick. Also, a standard IP interface enables a wide range of applications to be deployed across a network.
Other useful features include integrated telephony via a direct SIP/VOiP connection and auto switching between Tier II DMR and analogue modes.
Simoco Xtend enables Tier II conventional radio sites to be connected together via an IP backbone. Up to 15 sites can be connected in this way.
Rack or wall mount, built in health alarms, AES256 bit encryption and 100% duty cycle at maximum Tx power are also standard features of the SDB600 series base stations.
SDM/SRM Series Mobile Radio Remote PTT Switch
SKU: GA0D1000ZPTSIMOCO£14.00For use with both the SRM analogue and SDM DMR mobile radios, the remote PTT switch allows you to operate the mobile radio safely in a vehicle. Use with the SRM/SDM hands free microphone.
SDM600 MPT Trunking Licence
SKU: 6S1SL000ZF6SIMOCO£40.00This licence permits the Simoco SDM600 series radios to operate in analogue MPT1327 trunked radio mode.
SDM600 Series DMR Advanced Digital Mobile
SKU: SDM600 SeriesSIMOCO£495.00 – £825.00The SDM600 series of advanced DMR mobile radios includes versions with a fully featured control head that provides for extended applications and messaging at the user’s fingertips. Part of the new advanced digital radio range from Simoco. The Simoco SDM630 is the highest tier version and includes a massive colour graphic display with full keypad. The radio is designed so that the radio body can be located out of sight and is ideal for vehicles where cab space is at a premium. Another version with a fully featured control microphone [SDM622] also includes a display and keypad. An entry level version [SDM610] with a simple control microphone launches the SDM600 series radios.
SDM622 DMR Mobile Radio Control Microphone
SKU: 6A0CM065562SIMOCO£210.00The Simoco SDM622 control microphone has a full keypad and a large LCD display for remote operation of the SDM622 radio.
SDM730 DMR Advanced Mobile Radio
SKU: SDM730SIMOCO£590.00The Simoco SDM730 series of advanced DMR mobile radios are feature packed and are the ideal choice for the professional radio user. Available in 3 frequency bands including VHF [136-174MHz] and wideband UHF [400-470MHz & 450-520MHz] most users requirements are covered. Two transmit power levels [25W and 45W] complete the portfolio. Furthermore the SDM730 can be specified with an integral GPS engine for vehicle tracking/location services as well as with Bluetooth for wireless operation. A full duplex version allows for telephone style calls to be made via the radio. The SDM730 is an advanced radio that has significant growth potential as it is supplied with an industry standard API [Application Program Interface] for third party applications.
SDP560 Compact DMR Portable Radio
SKU: SDP560SIMOCO£270.00SDP560 Compact DMR Portable Radio from Simoco is rugged and durable. It is available in both VHF and UHF frequency bands.
It is designed to operate across both analogue and digital modes. It also includes a host of useful features such as short data messaging and transmit interrupt.
Radio performance is enhanced with a powerful 1W of audio and a graphic LCD display for ease of use.
SDP650 DMR Standard Digital Portable Radio
SKU: SDP650SIMOCO£385.00 – £438.00SDP650 provides the user with significantly more functionality over directly competitive products including status messaging and GPS location. The SDP650 offers an enhanced screen plus a more intuitive user interface and far greater options for programmable keys. Intelligent Man-Down is integrated into the portable and does not require an add-on or option board.
SDP660 DMR Advanced Portable Radio
SKU: SDP660SIMOCO£795.00 – £850.00Offering full keypad functionality for telephone, complex group calls, advanced data messaging and a total of 12 programmable function keys, the SD660 is ideally suited to organisations with complex operation needs.
The Simoco SDP660 is an advanced digital portable radio fully compliant to DMR standards. Designed for businesses that need sophisticated features to improve productivity and enhance staff safety.
SDP750/760 Digital Portable Radio
SKU: SDP750SIMOCO£268.00 – £615.00The Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 digital portable radios are the latest models from Simoco. There are two models to choose from according to your business requirements. Features including full duplex calling and built in GPS and Bluetooth make the SDP750 and SDP760 perfect for organizations that want to maximise productivity and enhance employee safety.
With best in class receiver sensitivity the Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 can be relied upon to deliver exceptionally clear communications even in marginal coverage areas.
Compact, lightweight and with an ideal form factor for extended use in the harshest environments select the Simoco SDP750/760 for your future mobile communications requirements.
Simoco Digital Management Terminal Tier II User Manual
SKU: TNM-U-E-0112SIMOCO£48.25TNM-U-E-0112 Simoco Digital Management Terminal Tier II User Manual for the Simoco SDB670 DMR Base Station
Simoco Heavy Duty Shoulder Strap
SKU: PA-STRPSIMOCO£5.41The PA-STRP shoulder strap is for use with heavy duty cases & is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco Multi Regional Charger Plugs
SKU: PAR-PSU1A5UNSIMOCO£22.00Multi region AC plugs for Simoco portable radio battery chargers.
Simoco PRP Series UHF Stubby Antenna Moulded Helical,
SKU: SIMPR710MFXUSIMOCO£11.00Available to special order for the Simoco PRP series of UHF portable radios.
Simoco PRP Series UHF Stubby Antenna Moulded Helical,
SKU: SIMPRPMFXUSIMOCO£10.00Simoco PRP series UHF stubby antenna moulded helical,
Simoco PRP Series VHF High Band Antenna, Moulded Helical
SKU: SIMPR710MFXSIMOCO£11.00Available to special order for the Simoco PRP series of portable radios. [136-174MHz]
Simoco PRP Series VHF High Band Antenna, Moulded Helical
SKU: SIMPRPMFXSIMOCO£9.00Moulded helical VHF high band antenna for Simoco PRP series portable radios.
Simoco PRP Series VHF Low Band Antenna Compressed Helical
SKU: SIMPR710MXKSIMOCO£21.00Available to special order for the Simoco PRP series of portable radios.
Simoco PRP Series VHF Low Band Antenna Compressed Helical
SKU: SIMPRPMXKSIMOCO£16.00Available to special order for the Simoco PRP series of portable radios – VHF [66-88MHz]
Simoco SCP Series Leather Glove Carry Case,Integral Belt Clip
SKU: PAR-9150CLBC2SIMOCO£16.63The PAR-9150CLBC2 is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 Remote Control Unit
SKU: PAR-9150RCUSIMOCO£63.74The SCP9150 is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 Series Interface Lead
SKU: PAR-9150RL1SIMOCO£57.95The PAR-9150RL1 is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 Series Slimline 1000mAh Li-Ion Battery
SKU: PAR-9150BATL1SIMOCO£55.64The PAR-9150BATL1 is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 Standard 2000mAh Li-Ion Battery
SKU: PAR-9150BATL2SIMOCO£62.58The PAR-9150BATL2 is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 Stubby UHF (400-480MHz) Moulded Antenna
SKU: PA-AHTU-STSIMOCO£15.50The PA-AHTU-ST is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 Test Handset For Configuration
SKU: PAR-9150THSSIMOCO£162.26The PAR-9150THS is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 UHF (400-480MHz) Flexible Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AFTUSIMOCO£29.04The PA-AFTU is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 UHF (440-470MHz) Moulded Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AWUOSIMOCO£14.80The PA-AWUO is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SCP9150 VHF (136-300MHz) Moulded Helical Antenna Un-cut
SKU: PA-AHKASIMOCO£27.00The PA-AHKA is compatible with the Simoco SCP9150 Covert Portable Digital Radios.
Simoco SDB670 Base Station Installation Guide
SKU: TNM-I-E-0041SIMOCO£48.25TNM-I-E-0041 Base Station Installation Guide for the Simoco SDB670 DMR Base Station
Simoco SDB670 Base Station Service Manual
SKU: TNM-M-E-0032SIMOCO£48.25TNM-M-E-0032 Base Station Service Manual for the Simoco SDB670 DMR Base Station
Simoco SDB670 Multi Site Trunking License > 5 Sites
SKU: SA-600TRUNMSIMOCO£250.00SA-600TRUNM Multi Site Trunking License (up to 5 sites) for the Simoco SDB670 DMR Base Station
Simoco SDB670 Multi Site Trunking License, 6-25 Sites
SKU: SA-600TRUNMRSIMOCO£350.00SA-600TRUNMR Multi Site Trunking License (6-25 sites) for the Simoco SDB670 DMR Base Station
Simoco SDB670 Single Site Trunking License
SKU: SA-600TRUNSSIMOCO£700.00SA-600TRUNS Single Site Trunking License for the Simoco SDB670 DMR Base Station
Simoco SDB670 Xd System Monitor License
SKU: SA-600MONSIMOCO£125.00SA-600MON Xd System Monitor License for the Simoco SDB670 DMR Base Station (includes Alarm Logger Tier II PC based System Monitoring application
Simoco SDM Series Control Microphone & Hang Up Clip
SKU: MAR-610CMSIMOCO£79.00MAR-610CM Control Microphone and hanging bracket for the Simoco SDM610 and SDM630 Digital Mobile Radios.
Simoco SDM600 Series DMR Radio Desktop Microphone
SKU: GA0DM00SZCHSIMOCO£66.00Use with the desktop housing and AC/DC integrated PSU to create an easy to operate base station.
Simoco SDM600 Series Mobile Programming Cable
SKU: MAR-600PRLDUSIMOCO£99.00MAR-600PRLDU Mobile Programming Cable for the Simoco SDM610, SDM622 and SDM630 Digital Mobile Radios.
Simoco SDM610/SDM630 DC Power Lead & Fuse Kit
SKU: MAR-600DCPOWERSIMOCO£30.00MAR-600DCPOWER DC Power Lead & Fuse Kit for the Simoco SDM610 and SDM630.
Simoco SDM610/SDM630 Quick Release Cradle
SKU: 6102 350 15211SIMOCO£59.006102 350 15211 Quick Release Cradle for Simoco SDM610 and SDM630.
Simoco SDM630 Control Head Display & Keypad
SKU: MAR-630CHSIMOCO£215.00MAR-630CH Control Head including pivot mounting bracket and 1 metre cable for Simoco SDM630.
Simoco SDM630 Control Head Remote Microphone
SKU: MAR-HFREEMICSIMOCO£44.00MAR-HFREEMIC Remote Mic for SDM630 Control Head
Simoco SDM630 Standard Microphone And Hang Up Clip
SKU: MAR-632SMSIMOCO£55.00MAR-632SM Standard Microphone and hanging bracket for the Simoco SDM630.
Simoco SDM730 DC Power Lead & Fuse Kit
SKU: 7A0DC000Z00SIMOCO£24.00DC power lead with fuse kit for Simoco SDM730 DMR mobile radio.
Simoco SDM730 External Speaker – Square
SKU: 7A0SSP02SSQSIMOCO£42.00The square speaker for the SDM730 DMR mobile radio includes a mounting bracket and connecting lead.
Simoco SDM730 Motorcycle Remote Ctrl Head Kit
SKU: 7A0CH0256RMSIMOCO£251.00The SDM730 Advanced DMR radio is designed to be used as a mobile radio in either a vehicle or on a motorcycle. The transceiver is located in a pannier and the control head is mounted on the handlebars where it is easy to access.
Simoco SDM730 Programming Cable
SKU: 7A0D100SZG1SIMOCO£35.00For programming and reconfiguring the Simoco SDM730 Advanced DMR mobile radio.
Simoco SDM730 Remote Control Head Mount Kit
SKU: 7A0CH02S6RVSIMOCO£325.00Where space is at a premium in a vehicle the SDM730 control head can be mounted remotely. Includes the mounting bracket for the control head and a 3 metre connection cable.
Simoco SDM730 Series Desk Microphone
SKU: 7A0DM00SZ00SIMOCO£99.00Convenient and easy to use desk microphone suitable for the Simoco SDM730 Advanced DMR mobile radio.
Simoco SDM730 Series Palm Microphone, No Keypad
SKU: 7A0CM02S564SIMOCO£56.00Standard fist microphone suitable for use with the Simoco SDM730 Advanced DMR mobile radio.
Simoco SDP Series Intelligent Man-Down License
SKU: SA-600IMDSIMOCO£50.00SA-600IMD Intelligent Man-Down License for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP Series UHF [400-440MHz] Helical Antenna
SKU: 6102 500 00441SIMOCO£25.006102 500 00451 UHF Helical Antenna 400-440MHz for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP Series UHF [400-480MHz] Whip Antenna 1/4 Wave
SKU: 6102 500 00431SIMOCO£24.006102 500 00431 UHF Whip Antenna 1/4 Wave 400-480MHz for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP Series VHF [136-174MHz] Helical Stubby Antenna
SKU: 6102 500 00531SIMOCO£13.956102 500 00531 VHF Helical Stubby Antenna 136-174MHz for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP Series VHF [136-174MHz] Moulded Helical Antenna Un-cut
SKU: 6102 500 00541SIMOCO£25.006102 500 00541 VHF Moulded Helical Antenna Un-cut 136-174MHz for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP560 12 Unit Battery Charger
SKU: 5A0BC00SZC0SIMOCO£250.00Simoco SDP560 12 Unit Battery Charger
Simoco SDP560 2600mAh Li-Ion Battery
SKU: 5A0BAL1SZX5SIMOCO£55.00Simoco SDP560 2600mAh Li-Ion Battery
Simoco SDP560 Remote Speaker Microphone
SKU: 5A0SM02SZ1BSIMOCO£49.00Simoco SDP560 Remote Speaker Microphone
Simoco SDP650 2.5 Inch Belt Clip
SKU: PAR-600CLIPSIMOCO£6.00PAR-600CLIP 2.5 Belt Clip for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.”
Simoco SDP650/660 Acoustic Tube Earpiece
SKU: 6A0EP000ZE1SIMOCO£66.00Simoco SDP650/660 Acoustic Tube Earpiece. Includes removable acoustic tube and separate eartip. Inline microphone and PTT.
Simoco SDP650/660 Aviation Style Heavy Duty Headset
SKU: GA0HH SeriesSIMOCO£185.00 – £205.00Simoco SDP650/660 aviation style headset. A heavy duty headset to fit over the head and with a flexible noise cancelling boom microphone and PTT on the earcup. Note image is generic.
Simoco SDP650/660 D Shape Earpiece
SKU: 6A0EP000ZE2SIMOCO£65.00Simoco SDP650/660 D Shape Earpiece. Includes inline microphone and PTT.
Simoco SDP650/660 Programming Software
SKU: SA-600FPPSIMOCO£25.00Programming software suitable for use with the Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR radios.
Simoco SDP650/660 Standard Leather Case
SKU: 6A0CCLL0ZLSSIMOCO£27.00Simoco SDP650/660 Standard Leather Case
Simoco SDP650/660 USB Programming Lead & Software
SKU: GA0M500SZG1SIMOCO£65.00Simoco SDP660 Programming lead suitable for use with either the Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR radios or the SRP9170.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Dual Charger Unit
SKU: PAR-600CRG2SIMOCO£148.00PAR-600CRG2 Dual Charger Unit for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Dual Charger Unit PSU
SKU: PA-PSU-3A5SIMOCO£65.00PA-PSU-3A5 Dual Charger Unit PSU for Simoco SDP650 AND SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Multi Site Trunking License
SKU: SA-600MSTSIMOCO£120.00SA-600MST Multi Site Trunking License for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Single Charger PSU 100-230V AC
SKU: PA-PSU1A5SIMOCO£20.00PA-PSU1A5 Single Charger PSU 100-230V AC for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Single Charger PSU EU Plug
SKU: PA-ADAPTOR-EUSIMOCO£66.00PA-ADAPTOR-EU Single Charger PSU EU 230V AC EU fitting for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios. Image shows charger pocket [not included]
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Single Charger PSU RSA Plug
SKU: PA-ADAPTOR-SASIMOCO£66.00Simoco SDP series single charger mains power adapter. SA plug type. Image shows charger base [not included]
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Single Charger PSU UK Plug
SKU: PA-ADAPTOR-UKSIMOCO£66.00UK power supply for Simoco SDP360 and SDP660 digital portable radios. Image shows charger base which is not included.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Single Charger Unit
SKU: PAR-600CRG1SIMOCO£44.00PAR-600CRG1 Single Unit Charger for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Speaker Microphone – Four Buttons
SKU: PAR-600LMS4SIMOCO£99.00PAR-600LMS4 Speaker Microphone for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Speaker Microphone With Two Buttons
SKU: PAR-9180LMS2-2SIMOCO£67.00PAR-9180LMA2-2 speaker microphone for SDP650 and SDP660 digital portable radios.
Simoco SDP650/SDP660 Standard 2200mAh Li-Ion Battery
SKU: PAR-600BATL2SIMOCO£98.00PAR-600BATL2 Standard 2200mAh Li-Ion Battery for Simoco SDP650 and SDP660 DMR Portable Radios.
Simoco SDP750/760 1 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic/PTT
SKU: 7A0EP000ZEFSIMOCO£38.00Designed for discreet operation of the following radio models:-
– Simoco SDP750
– Simoco SDP760
Simoco SDP750/760 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic/PTT
SKU: 7A0EP000ZE1SIMOCO£43.00A two wire acoustic tube style earpiece with replaceable acoustic tube, elbow and ear tips. To suit Simoco SDP750/760 series radios.
Simoco SDP750/760 2400mAh Li-Ion Battery
SKU: 7A0BAL1SZXCSIMOCO£69.00 – £96.00Standard battery for Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 portable radio. Two versions available:-
– Standard [2400mAh]
– High capacity [3400mAh]
Simoco SDP750/760 Bluetooth Earphone
SKU: GA0EPBT0ZEMSIMOCO£70.00A genuine Jabra Bluetooth wireless earphone compatible for the Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 digital portable radio range.
Simoco SDP750/760 Bluetooth Ring PTT
SKU: GA000BT0ZPTSIMOCO£99.00The Bluetooth ring PTT allows you to remotely activate the PTT function on your Simoco SDP750 or SDP760 digital radio.
Simoco SDP750/760 Bone Conduction Headset & Wireless PTT
SKU: 7A0HL00SZH8SIMOCO£450.00Designed for high intensity covert operations. The bone conduction headset is used with a wireless PTT.
Suitable for use with the Simoco SDP750 and SDP760
Simoco SDP750/760 C Shape Earpiece With Inline Mic/PTT
SKU: 7A0EP000ZE3SIMOCO£28.00Easy to use and comfortable to wear for extended periods the C shape earpiece for the Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 includes an inline microphone and PTT.
Simoco SDP750/760 EASE256 Bit Encryption Licence
SKU: 7S1SL01SZF8SIMOCO£120.00Make the radio transmissions more secure with the Simoco 256 bit encryption licence.
Suits the Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 digital portable radios.
Simoco SDP750/760 Fireman Bone Conduction Headset
SKU: 7A0HL00SZH7SIMOCO£450.00The Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 fireman bone conduction headset is designed for use under helmets.
Simoco SDP750/760 Medium Duty Remote Speaker Microphone
SKU: GA0SM00S61BSIMOCO£115.00A rugged medium duty remote speaker microphone that can be used with the following radio models:-
– SDP750
– SDP760
– SRP9170
– SRP9180
Simoco SDP750/760 Programming Cable USB Port
SKU: 7A0M500SZG1SIMOCO£35.00Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 programming cable. Allows you to reconfigure radio parameters via a PC.
Simoco SDP750/760 Remote Speaker Microphone – IP54
SKU: 7A0SM00S50BSIMOCO£62.00Rugged remote speaker microphone to suit the Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 digital radios. Water resistant to IP54.
Simoco SDP750/760 Speaker Mic – 2 Programmable Buttons
SKU: GA0SM00S52BSIMOCO£69.00Rugged remote speaker microphone with 2 programmable buttons for additional functionality.
Suitable for Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 portable radios.
Simoco SDP750/760 Trunking Licence
SKU: 7S1SL000ZF1SIMOCO£120.00The Simoco SDP series trunking licence enables Tier III trunk functionality to the Simoco SDP750 and SDP760 portable radios.
Simoco SRM Series 3M Speaker Extension Cable
SKU: MA-LSEXTENDSIMOCO£6.00The MA-LSEXTEND 3M speaker extension cable is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series.
Simoco SRM Series 4.5M Microphone Extension Cable
SKU: MA-MICEXTENDSIMOCO£22.00The MA-MICEXTEND 4.5M microphone extension cable is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series.
Simoco SRM Series DX Power Lead & Fuse Kit
SKU: MA-DCPOWERSIMOCO£21.00The MA-DCPOWER power lead and fuse kit is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 series mobile radios/base stations.
Simoco SRM9000 AC/DC Desktop Power Supply Unit
SKU: TSX2000SIMOCO£249.60The TSX2000 power supply unit transforms the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio into a base station.
Image shows radio which must be ordered sparately
Simoco SRM9000 Desk Microphone With PTT
SKU: MA-DESKMICSIMOCO£66.00The MA-DESKMIC desk mic with PTT is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 base station and SRM9030 mobile radio.
Simoco SRM9000 General Purpose IF MAP27 With GPS
SKU: MA-ASI-GFSIMOCO£490.00The MA-ASI-GF IF MAP27 is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 series mobile radios/base stations.
SIMOCO SRM9000 Microphone Hang Up Bracket
SKU: 3502 350 07230SIMOCO£4.50Chrome plated microphone hang up bracket suitable for the Simoco SRM9000 series mobile radios.
Note: Image is generic.
Simoco SRM9000 Series 0.3M Crosslink Cable
SKU: MA-XLCABLESIMOCO£26.00The MA-XLCABLE 0.3M crosslink cable is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series and is for use with simple repeaters.
Simoco SRM9000 Series 600 Ohm Interface Board
SKU: MA-600OHMSIMOCO£228.00The MA-600OHM interface board is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series.
Simoco SRM9000 Series ASI Board
SKU: MA-ASI-GSIMOCO£165.00The MA-ASI-G ASI board is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series.
Simoco SRM9000 Series Audio/Serial Interface Board
SKU: MA-ASISTDSIMOCO£60.00The MA-ASISTD interface board is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series.
Simoco SRM9000 Series Keypad Microphone Kit
SKU: ANA/MAR-9030PLMKKSIMOCO£74.12Includes microphone extension lead.
Keypad microphone for use with the Simoco SRM9000 series mobile radios.
Simoco SRM9000 Series Keypad Microphone With Waterproof RJ45
SKU: ANA/MAR-9030PLMKRSIMOCO£60.31Waterproof keypad fist microphone for use with the following Simoco models:-
Simoco SRM9000 Series Programming Software
SKU: PROGSRM9000SIMOCO£25.00Simoco SRM9000 Series Programming Software
Simoco SRM9000 Series Programming Software & Lead
SKU: MA-PROGSIMOCO£62.40The MA-PROG programming kit is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 series mobile radio/base station.
Simoco SRM9000 Series Quick Release Cradle
SKU: MA-QRCRADLESIMOCO£61.00The MA-QRCRADLE quick release cradle is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series.
Simoco SRM9000 Series Remote PTT Switch
SKU: MA-PTTSWSIMOCO£13.00The MA-PTTSW remote PTT switch is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 base station and SRM9030 mobile radio.
Simoco SRM9000 Series Service Manual
SKU: TSD-SRM9000-SM_Rev 9SIMOCO£59.80Simoco service manual for the following Simoco SRM series radios:-
Simoco SRM9000 Series Square Loudspeaker
SKU: ANA/MAR-LOUDSSQRSIMOCO£18.00Large square loudspeaker suitable for use with the Simoco SRM9010; SRM9020; SRM9025 and SRM9030 mobile radios.
Simoco SRM9000 Series System Interface Board
SKU: MA-SIBSIMOCO£44.65The MA-SIB system interface board is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 mobile radio/base station series.
Simoco SRM9000 Single Head Serial-Parallel MAP27 I/F Board
SKU: MA-DMAPSIMOCO£540.00The MA-DMAP interface board is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 series mobile radios/base stations.
Simoco SRM9010 Fist Microphone With LED Display
SKU: MA-9010MICSIMOCO£70.00The MA-9010MIC fist microphone is compatible with the SRM9010 mobile radio/base station.
Simoco SRM9020 Fist Microphone With LCD Display
SKU: MA-9020PLUSSIMOCO£112.00The MA-9020PLUS fist mic is compatible with the Simoco SRM9020 mobile radio/base station.
Simoco SRM9022 Blue Controller Microphone
SKU: ANA/MAR-9022CMBSIMOCO£212.00Other colours available. Suitable for use with the Simoco SRM9022 mobile radio.
Simoco SRM9022 Red Controller Microphone
SKU: ANA/MAR-9022CMRSIMOCO£210.00Simoco SRM9022 control microphone. Also available in blue and yellow.
Simoco SRM9022 Yellow Controller Microphone
SKU: ANA/MAR-9022CMYSIMOCO£212.00Control microphone with keypad and display for Simoco SRM9022 mobile radio.
Also available in blue and red
Simoco SRM9030 Control Head Kit
SKU: MA-9030PLCHSIMOCO£220.00Includes cable, bracket, standard mic and clip.
Simoco SRM9030 Fist Microphone With PTT
SKU: MA-9030MICSIMOCO£62.00The MA-9030MIC fist mic is compatible with the Simoco SRM9000 base station and SRM9030 mobile radio.
Simoco SRM9030 Hands Free Microphone
SKU: MA-HF9030SIMOCO£44.00The MA-HF9030 hands free mic is compatible with the Simoco SRM9030 mobile radio/base station.
Simoco SRM9030 Pivot Mount Kit – Heavy Duty
SKU: ANA/MA-9030PIVOTSIMOCO£16.00Designed to mount the control head of the Simoco SRM9030 in the vehicle in a convenient position. Allows the head to be angled to suit the user.
Simoco SRM9030 Pivot Mounting Kit
SKU: MA-9030PIVOT-SSIMOCO£12.00The MA-9030PIVOT-S pivot mounting kit is compatible with the Simoco SRM9030 mobile radio/base station.
Simoco SRP Series Side Connector Removal Tool
SKU: 6102 790 0016SIMOCO£38.00Specialists service tool for use with the Simoco SRP series of portable radios.
Simoco SRP8000 Series VHF [66-88MHz] Antenna Uncut Moulded Helical, 1/4 Wave
SKU: SIMMVMXKSIMOCO£24.00Suitable for VHF low band versions of the Simoco SRP8000 portable radios.
Simoco SRP8000 Series VHF High Band Antenna, Moulded Helical,1/4 Wave
SKU: SIMMVMFXSIMOCO£20.00Simoco SRP8000 series VHF high band antenna, moulded helical,1/4 wave
Simoco SRP8000 Service Manual
SKU: TP03322SIMOCO£18.00Service manual for all versions of the Simoco SRP8000 portable radio.
Simoco SRP8000/9000 Series UHF Antenna 1/4 Wave
SKU: SIMM6FMQSIMOCO£10.00UHF antenna for Simoco SRP8110, SRP8120, SRP8130, SRP9120, SRP9130 portable radios.
Simoco SRP8000/9000 Series UHF Stubby Antenna Moulded Helical,
SKU: SIMMVMFXUSIMOCO£20.00UHF stubby antenna for Simoco SRP8000, SRP9000 and PRP series portable radios.
Simoco SRP8000/9000 Series UHF Stubby Antenna Moulded Helical,
SKU: SIMM6FMFXUSIMOCO£10.00UHF moulded helical stubby antenna to suit the Simoco SRP8000 and SRP9000 range
Simoco SRP8000/9000 Series VHF Low Band Antenna Uncut
SKU: SIMM6FMXKSIMOCO£16.00VHF low band antenna [66-88MHz] suitable for both the SRP8000 and SRP9000 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP8000/SRP9000 Series UHF Antenna 1/4 Wave
SKU: SIMMVMQSIMOCO£15.00Simoco SRP8000/SRP9000 series 1/4 wave UHF whip antenna.
Simoco SRP9000 Series Battery Stud
SKU: PAR-9180STUDSIMOCO£6.74The PAR-9180STUD battery stud is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 BNC Antenna Adaptor
SKU: PA-ACONSIMOCO£30.00The PA-ACON BNC antenna adaptor is compatible with the Simcoo SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 Series Lightweight Leather Case & Belt Loop
SKU: PA-CLELSIMOCO£34.00The PA-CLEL lightweight leather case with belt loop is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 Series Soft Leather Carry Case
SKU: P1POSIMSIMOCO£8.50Designed to fit Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
The case is elastic sided and made from a water repellant soft leather, leather covered spring belt clip and twin D rings for attachment to a shoulder strap.
Simoco SRP9100 Series UHF Antenna 1/4 Wave
SKU: SIMMXMQSIMOCO£15.00Simoco SRP9100 series UHF antenna 1/4 wave
Simoco SRP9100 Series UHF Stubby Antenna Moulded Helical,
SKU: SIMMXMFXUSIMOCO£15.00UHF stubby antenna for Simoco SRP9100 series radios.
Simoco SRP9100 Series Vehicle Charger
SKU: PA-CRGVSIMOCO£127.00The PA-CRGV vehicle charger charges all battery options. Compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 Series VHF High Band Antenna, Moulded Helical,1/4 Wave
SKU: SIMMXMFXSIMOCO£15.00Simoco SRP9100 series VHF high band antenna, moulded helical,1/4 wave
Simoco SRP9100 Series VHF Low Band Antenna 1/4 Wave Compressed Helical
SKU: SIMMXMXKSIMOCO£16.00Suitable for Simoco SRP9120 and SRP9130 VHF low band portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 UHF (335-375MHz) Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AWR1SIMOCO£11.44The PA-AWR1 UHF (335-375MHz) whip antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 UHF (400-440MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHTKSIMOCO£12.31The PA-AHTK UHF (400-440MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 UHF (400-440MHz) Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AWTKSIMOCO£6.70The PA-AWTK UHF (400-440MHz) whip antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 UHF (440-470MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHU0SIMOCO£12.31The PA-AHU0 UHF (440-470MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 UHF (440-470MHz) Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AWU0SIMOCO£11.44The PA-AWU0 UHF (440-470MHz) whip antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 UHF [335-400MHz] Moulded Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AWR3SIMOCO£9.75Simoco SRP9100 UHF moulded whip antenna [335-400MHz]
Simoco SRP9100 UHF Wideband (400-480MHz) Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AWTUSIMOCO£18.00The PA-AWTU UHF wideband (400-480MHz) whip antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 and SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 UHF Wideband (440-500MHz) Whip Antenna
SKU: PA-AWUWSIMOCO£26.00The PA-AWUW UHF wideband (440-500MHz) whip antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (138-146MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHB3SIMOCO£12.31The PA-AHB3 VHF (138-146MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (138-174MHz) Uncut Antenna
SKU: PA-AHA9SIMOCO£6.70The PA-AHA9 VHF (138-174MHz) uncut antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (146-155MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHAJSIMOCO£12.31The PA-AHAJ VHF (146-155MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (155-164MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHAKSIMOCO£17.00The PA-AHAK VHF (155-164MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 and SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (164-174MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHALSIMOCO£27.00The PA-AHAL VHF (164-174MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (68-74MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHE3SIMOCO£12.31The PA-AHE3 VHF (68-74MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (68-88MHz) Uncut Antenna
SKU: PA-AHE0SIMOCO£17.62The PA-AHE0 VHF (66-88MHz) uncut antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (74-81MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHE4SIMOCO£31.00The PA-AHE4 VHF (74-81MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9100 VHF (81-88MHz) Antenna
SKU: PA-AHE5SIMOCO£12.31The PA-AHE5 VHF (81-88MHz) antenna is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/9130 Single Charger Unit
SKU: PA-CRG1SIMOCO£58.00The PA-CRG1 single charger unit is capable of charging Nicad, NiMH and Li-Ion batteries. Compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 2100mAh NiMH Battery
SKU: PA-BATNSIMOCO£69.00The PA-BATN 2100mAh NiMH battery is compatible with the Simoco SRP9120 and SRP9130 portable radio models.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Best Quality Firm Leather Case, Flap, Belt Loop
SKU: P3LFSIMSIMOCO£16.50Best quality leather case for the Simoco SRP9000 series radios. Image shows non display model.
Case includes removable leather flap, belt loop and D rings.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 D Shape Listen Only Earpiece
SKU: PA-EAR HOOK 2DH2SIMOCO£20.19The PA-EAR HOOK 2DH2 earpiece is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Firm Leather Case, Belt Loop & D Rings
SKU: P2PVSIMSIMOCO£15.00Hard leather carry case with press studded leather belt loop and D rings for attachment to a shoulder strap.
Suitable for the Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Fist Microphone With GPS
SKU: PA-LMGPSMDSIMOCO£220.09The PA-LMGPSMD fist microphone with GPS is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Heavy Duty Leather Case & Belt Loop
SKU: PA-CLHLSIMOCO£32.00The PA-CLHL heavy duty leather case with belt loop is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Heavy Duty Microphone
SKU: PA-H/DUTY MICSIMOCO£40.56The PA-H/DUTY MIC heavy duty microphone is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 NiMH Vehicle Charger
SKU: PA-VEHASIMOCO£127.00The PA-VEHA vehicle charger charges Nicad and NiMH batteries only. Compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Receive Only Earpiece
SKU: PA-EARHOOK 9ACYSIMOCO£12.00The PA-EARHOOK 9ACY receive only earpiece is compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Series 3000mAh Li-Ion Battery
SKU: PA-BATLSIMOCO£82.00The PA-BATL 3000mAh Li-Ion battery is compatible with the Simoco SRPP120 and SRP9130 portable radio models.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Six Way Charger
SKU: PA-CRG6SIMOCO£750.00The PA-CRG6 six way charger is capable of charging Nicad, NiMH and Li-Ion batteries. Compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9120/SRP9130 Two Way Charger Unit
SKU: PA-CRG-DHSIMOCO£95.00The PA-CRG-DH two way charger unit (UK) is capable of charging Nicad, NiMH and Li-Ion batteries. Compatible with the Simoco SRP9100 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170 Pedestal Mount Bracket For PVA
SKU: PAR-9180CRGM2SIMOCO£99.00For use with in vehicle kit [PVA] for Simoco SRP9170 and SRP9180 portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/80 Portable Vehicle Adapter – Charger Only
SKU: PAR-9180PVA2SIMOCO£520.00Supplied with side connector
Designed for the Simoco SRP9170 and SRP9180 portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/80 Vehicle Adapter – Charger Only
SKU: PAR-9180PVA1SIMOCO£520.00Supplied without side connector
Suitable for Simoco SRP9170/9180. Image shows radio in adapter [not included]
Simoco SRP9170/9180 Programming Software
SKU: PROGSRP9170SIMOCO£25.00Radio programming software for the following Simoco portable radio models:-
Simoco SRP9170/9180 Vehicle Charger & Cigarette Lighter Plug
SKU: PAR-9180CRGVSIMOCO£62.00Allows the Simoco SRP9170 or SRP9180 portable radio to be safely mounted in a vehicle and for battery charging via a 12VDC cigarette lighter socket.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 3000mAh Li-Ion Battery
SKU: PAR-9180BATL3SIMOCO£89.00The PAR-9180BATL3 3000mAh Li-Ion battery is compatible with the Simoco SRP9070, SRP9080, SRP9170 and SRP9180 portable radio models.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 6 Way Radio/12 Way Battery Charger
SKU: PAR-9180/CRG12SIMOCO£795.00Holds 6 radios and 12 batteries. Available with UK,EU, US or AUS plug – please specify when ordering.
Compatible with the Simoco SRP9170 and SRP9180 portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 Dual Fast Desktop Charger
SKU: PAR-9180CRG2SIMOCO£96.50The PAR-9180CRG2 dual fast desktop charger is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 Fast Desktop Charger
SKU: PAR-9180CRG1SIMOCO£77.00The PAR-9180CRG1 fast desktop charger is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 Lapel Microphone
SKU: PAR-9180LMS4SIMOCO£140.00The PAR-9180LMS4 lapel microphone is compatible with the Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 Six Way Fast Charger
SKU: PAR-9180CRG6SIMOCO£750.00The PAR-9180CRG6 six way fast charger is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 Standard Lapel Microphone
SKU: PAR-9180LMS2SIMOCO£36.10The PAR-9180LMS2 standard lapel microphone is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 USB Programming Lead
SKU: PAR-9180PRLDUSIMOCO£63.00The PAR-9180PRLDU USB programming lead is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios including the SRP9170 and SRP9180 models.
Simoco SRP9180 D Shape Earpiece/Mic
SKU: GA0EP000ZE3SIMOCO£25.00D shape earpiece with straight cable and an inline microphone/PTT. Suitable for the Simoco SRP9170 and SRP9180 portable radios
Simoco SRP9180 Heavy Duty Carry Case & Belt Loop
SKU: PAR-9180CHSMSIMOCO£52.00The PAR-9180CHSM heavy duty carry case with belt loop is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9180 Lapel Mic With GPS & Man Down
SKU: PAR-9180LMGMSIMOCO£187.25The PAR-9180LMGM lapel microphone with GPS and Man Down is compatible with the Simoco SRP9170/SRP9180 series portable radios.
Simoco SRP9180 Lightweight Carry Case
SKU: PAR-9180CLBC2SIMOCO£25.00The PAR-9180CLBC2 lightweight carry case is compatible with the SRP9000 series Simoco portable radios (with 2300mAh battery).
Simoco SRP9180 Lightweight Carry Case – 3.0Ah Battery
SKU: PAR-9180CLBC3SIMOCO£15.50The PAR-9180CLBC3 lightweight carry case is compatible with the Simoco SRP9000 series portable radios (with 3000mAh battery).
Simoco SRP9180 Medium Duty Remote Speaker Microphone
SKU: PAR-9180LMW1SIMOCO£110.00This microphone is IP67 rated and is suitable for the Simoco SRP9170 and SRP9180 portable radios.
Simoco SRP9180 Splash Proof Remote Speaker Mic, GPS & Man Down
SKU: PAR-9180LMGMSSIMOCO£299.00Suitable for the Simoco SRP9170 and SRP9180 As PAR-9180LMGM but this model is splash proof. Equipped with GPS and man down function.
Simoco TSF Lite UHF (400-480MHz) Duplexer
SKU: TSF-DUPTUSIMOCO£384.30The TSF-DUPTU UHF (400-480MHz) duplexer is compatible with the Simoco TSF Lite series base stations.
Simoco TSF Series Mains Cord For Wall Mount
SKU: TSF-ACCORD-XXSIMOCO£2.18The TSF-ACCORD-XX mains cord for wall mount is compatible with the Simoco TSFLite and TSF2000 series base stations.
Simoco TSF Series Programming Software & Lead
SKU: TSF-PROGSIMOCO£64.63The TSF-PROG programming kit is compatible with the Simoco TSFLite and TSF2000 series base stations.
Simoco TSF Series Single Antenna Assembly
SKU: TSF-SAWASIMOCO£325.00The TSF-SAWA single antenna assembly is compatible with the Simoco TSFLite and TSF2000 series base stations.
Simoco TSF Series VHF (174-208MHz) Duplexer
SKU: TSF-DUPK1SIMOCO£446.69The TSF-DUPK1 VHF (174-208MHz) duplexer is compatible with the Simoco TSF Lite series base stations.
Simoco TSF Series VHF (66-88MHz) Duplexer
SKU: TSF-DUPEOSIMOCO£384.30The TSF-DUPEO VHF (66-88MHz) duplexer is compatible with the Simoco TSF Lite series base stations.
Simoco TSF-Lite UHF (335-375MHz) Duplexer
SKU: TSF-DUPR1SIMOCO£384.30The TSF-DUPR1 UHF (335-375MHz) duplexer is compatible with the Simoco TSF Lite series base stations.
Simoco TSF-Lite UHF (440-500MHz) Duplexer
SKU: TSF-DUPUWSIMOCO£384.30The TSF-DUPUW UHF (440-500MHz) duplexer is compatible with the Simoco TSF Lite series base stations.
Simoco TSF-Lite VHF (136-174MHz) Duplexer
SKU: TSF-DUPACSIMOCO£384.30The TSF-DUPAC VHF (136-174MHz) duplexer is compatible with the Simoco TSF Lite series base stations.
Simoco TSF-Lite VHF (208-245MHz) Duplexer
SKU: TSF-DUPKMSIMOCO£384.30The TSF-DUPKM VHF (208-245MHz) duplexer is compatible with the Simoco TSF Lite series base stations.
Simoco TSF2000 Series UHF 2nd Harmonic Filter
SKU: 04305-0000090-0SIMOCO£92.80The 04305-0000090-0 UHF 2nd harmonic filter is compatible with 100w models in the Simoco TSF2000 series base stations.
Simoco TSF2000 Series VHF 2nd Harmonic Filter
SKU: 04305-0000080-0SIMOCO£92.80The 04305-0000080-0 VHF 2nd harmonic filter is compatible with Simoco TSF2100 base stations with a Tx output of 100W.
Simoco Xd DMR Dispatcher License
SKU: SA-600DISPT2SIMOCO£1,150.00SA-600DISPT2 Xd DMR Dispatcher License
Simoco Xfin Base Station Radio Programming Lead
SKU: MAR-9000PRLDUSIMOCO£50.00Programming lead suitable for the Simoco SRM, TSF and Xfin radio products.
Simoco Xfin IP Soft Dispatcher
SKU: Xfin DispatcherSIMOCO£1,500.00The Xfin Dispatcher showcases IP connectivity, allowing software controlled Dispatcher functionality from a LAN connected PC; providing a software package that is feature rich, with intuitive GUI, aiding in rapid call handling.
Simoco Xfin Programming Kit
SKU: XBMT-SWSIMOCO£50.00Programming software and lead for configuring the Simoco Xfin Base version.
Simoco Xfin Series Desktop Battery Charger
SKU: XFIN KBC 36CSIMOCO£43.99The XFIN KBC 36C desktop charger is compatible with the Simoco Xfin series portable radios.
Simoco Xfin Series Portable Hand Microphone
SKU: XFIN KME 68ASIMOCO£36.99The XFIN KME 68A portable hand microphone is compatible with the Simoco Xfin series portable radios.
Simoco Xfin Series Six Way Battery Charger
SKU: XFIN 6W CHGRSIMOCO£186.43The XFIN 6W CHGR six way charger is compatible with the Simoco Xfin series portable radios.
Simoco Xfin Series UHF Stubby Antenna
SKU: XFIN STUBBYSIMOCO£14.28The XFIN STUBBY portable stubby antenna is compatible with the Simoco Xfin series portable radios.
SRM9000 Series Base Station
SKU: SRM9000B SeriesSIMOCO£736.88 – £763.88The SRM9000 has been transformed into a base station with the addition of a TSX2000 PSU, providing users with a reliable and customisable communications solution which can increase your coverage.
Note: Images on all variants shows SRM9030 for illustration purposes only
SRM9000 Series Desktop Base Set
SKU: MA-DESKBASE-SDMSIMOCO£385.00MA-DESKBASE-SDM Desktop Base Set (Order SDM610, SDM922 and SDM630 separately)
Converts the Simoco SDM610, SDM622 and SDM630 into a mains powered desktop base station.
SRM9000 Series Mobile Radio
SKU: SRM9000 SeriesSIMOCO£535.00 – £970.00The SRM9000 series mobile radios meet the needs of users who are wanting the simplest voice communication to the most demanding, with its range of options that’s perfect for your business. The SRM9000 series provides a reliable, high quality and flexible range of solutions.
SRP9100 Series Compact Portable Radio
SKU: SRP9100 SeriesSIMOCO£699.00The SRP9100 series is based on the highly established SRM9000 series mobile radios. With dual mode capability, users can benefit from roaming between local PMR and regional trunked radio networks, ensuring that communication is always possible. The SRP9100 series has been designed with the user in mind, providing a cost effective simple yet sophisticated communications solution.
SRP9120/9130 Lightweight Remote Speaker Microphone
SKU: PA-LMCLSIMOCO£32.00Lightweight remote speaker microphone for the following models:-
– SRP9120
– SRP9130
SRP9170/80 Series Portable Radio
SKU: SRP9170/80 SeriesSIMOCO£720.00 – £850.00The SRP9170/80 series possesses reliability and flexibility; features paramount in challenging environments. Built without compromise with a rugged chassis and conventional/trunked (MPT1327) operation.
TSF Lite Series Base Station
SKU: TSF Lite SeriesSIMOCO£1,225.33The TSF Lite series boasts a range of cost effective, slimline and high performance base stations, featuring technology used in the popular SRM9000 series; providing an ideal communications solution where landline control is not needed.
Xfin Base Series Base Station
SKU: Xfin Base SeriesSIMOCO£2,221.69 – £4,145.61The Xfin Base series showcases a completely new concept in conventional base station technology; combining the same IP principles that creates the centre of the XFin Blade series trunked solution that’s software and IP controlled.