Radio Surveillance Kits
Surveillance kits are offered with most of the popular portable two way radios available on this site. Our most popular range of surveillance kits with acoustic tube earpieces have Kevlar coated cables and represent excellent value for the professional user. Single wire, two wire and three wire kits are all available along with throat mics, skull mics and many other surveillance accessories.
Showing all 187 results
Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece (3.5mm Plug)
SKU: EH-ACT-35UNIVERSAL£15.00The EH-ACT-35 clear acoustic tube earpiece is designed for covert use and is comfortable to wear whilst providing clear audio. Compatible with most radios with a 3.5mm plug.
Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece With Short Cable (2.5mm Plug)
SKU: EH-ACT-25SHORTUNIVERSAL£15.00The EH-ACT-25SHORT clear acoustic tube earpiece with short cable (45cm)is designed for covert use and is comfortable to wear whilst providing clear audio. Compatible with most radios with a 2.5mm plug.
Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece With Short Cable (3.5mm Plug)
SKU: EH-ACT-35SHORTUNIVERSAL£15.00The EH-ACT-35SHORT clear acoustic tube earpiece with short cable (45cm) is designed for covert use and is comfortable to wear whilst providing clear audio. Compatible with most radios with a 3.5mm plug.
Entel DX4 Series Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Inline Mic/PTT
SKU: EA15/DXENTEL£29.00For covert communications the EA15/DX is perfect for use with the range of new DMR radios from Entel. Suits all versions of DX4 series portable radios.
Entel HT700 Series Covert Earpiece Mic With Acoustic Tube
SKU: EA15-750ENTEL£33.00The EA15-750 covert earpiece mic with transparent acoustic tube is compatible with the Entel HT446 and HT700 series portable radios.
Entel HT900 Series Covert Earpiece Mic With Acoustic Tube
SKU: EA15-950ENTEL£53.00The Entel EA15-950 HT series covert earpiece mic comes complete with a transparent acoustic tube.
Entel HX Series 1.0 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-EENTEL£20.00The ACTM20-E 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with the Entel HX400 series 1.0 portable radios.
Entel HX Series 2.0 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HE2ENTEL£29.95A two wire covert surveillance earpiece combined with our quick release Hirose connector. The ear tips are made from silicone and are comfortable to wear for extended periods. Both the ear tips and acoustic tube are replaceable.
Kevlar reinforced cables provide extra strength and durability.
Entel HX Series 2.0 Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HE2ENTEL£27.00A single wire covert surveillance earpiece combined with our quick release Hirose connector. The ear tips are made from silicone and are comfortable to wear for extended periods. Both the ear tips and acoustic tube are replaceable.
Kevlar reinforced cables provide extra strength and durability.
Entel HX Series 2.0 Acoustic Tube Receive Only Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HE2ENTEL£22.00Clear acoustic tube earpiece offers clear and precise audio quality. Kevlar lined cables for additional strength. The tube and ear tips are both replaceable.
Kit includes the Entel radio adapter and Hirose connectors so hat the earpiece can be quickly and easily removed without unscrewing the adapter from the radio.
Entel HX Series 2.0 Bone Conduction Earpiece/Mic – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HE2ENTEL£41.00For use in high noise environments the bone conduction earphone is ideal. The in ear microphone picks up vibrations from the jaw bone and converts it into transmitted audio. This audio accessory is for use in noisy areas and does not suffer from wind interference. It includes the quick release Hirose connector and a remote PTT so the user can have the PTT in the palm of their hand.
Easy to clean, robust and lightweight.
Entel HX Series 2.0 Dual White Earphone Style Earpiece – Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HE2ENTEL£35.00Ideal for covert operations the dual white earbud style earpieces resemble MP3 player earpieces. Kevlar lined cables give superb durability and the quick release Hirose connector adds convenience.
These are lightweight and comfortable to wear for extended periods.
Entel HX400 Series Covert Earpiece Mic With Acoustic Tube
SKU: EA15-450ENTEL£30.00The EA15-450 covert earpiece microphone is compatible with the Entel HX400 and HX446 series portable radios.
HYT ACS-01 Receive Only Earpiece/Audio Tube
SKU: ES-02HYT£15.00The ES-02 receive only earpiece is for use with the SM08M3 remote speaker microphone. Compatible with a range of HYT and Hytera radios.
Can be used with the ACS-01 PTT/Mic cable to convert it into a two way audio accessory.
HYT TC-3000 Earpiece, In-Line PTT, Clear Acoustic Tune & Vol Ctrl
SKU: EAN03HYT£23.00The EAN03 earpiece is compatible with the HYT TC3000s/TC3600s radio.
HYT TC-518/TC-700 Earpiece, In-Line PTT, Clear Acoustic Tube & Vol Ctrl
SKU: EAM12HYT£13.50The EAM12 earpiece is compatible with the HYT TC518 and TC700 series portable radios.
HYT TC-610/TC-620 Earpiece With In-Line PTT
SKU: EAM11HYT£23.00The EAM11 earpiece comes with a transparent acoustic tube and is compatible with the HYT TC610/TC620 and TC700 radios.
HYT TC-610/TC-620 Series 3 Wire Surveillance Earpiece
SKU: EAM15HYT£30.00The EAM15 earpiece comes complete with a transparent acoustic tube and volume control. Compatible with the HYT TC610/TC620 radio.
HYT TC-620 2 Wire Surveillance Earpiece
SKU: EAM13HYT£14.00The EAM13 earpiece comes complete with a transparent acoustic tube and volume control. Compatible with the HYT TC610/TC620 and TC700 radios.
HYT TC-780 Earpiece, Inline PTT & Clear Acoustic Tube
SKU: EAN04HYT£13.00The EAN04 earpiece with inline PTT and transparent acoustic tube is compatible with the HYT TC780 series portable radios.
Hytera PD4/5,TC6 Series 1 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HHYT2HYTERA£27.00With a single Kevlar lined cable the HEPM06-HHYT is a low cost covert surveillance earpiece. It has replaceable acoustic tubes and silicone ear tips as well as the quick release Hirose connector and the appropriate radio adapter.
Hytera PD4/5,TC6 Series 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece -Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HHYT2HYTERA£29.95This 2 wire covert acoustic tube surveillance kit is ideal for covert operations. The comfortable to wear silicone ear tips are replaceable as is the acoustic tube. The earpiece allows for one wire with the combined microphone and PTT to run down a sleeve for additional discretion.
Supplied with the unique Hirose quick release system.
Hytera PD4/5,TC6 Series Bone Conduction Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HHYT2HYTERA£41.00A professional audio accessory designed for users who need to keep their hands free when using a two way radio. The device includes an in ear integrated microphone and receiver. It includes 2 PTT switches, one of which is remote to allow operation from the palm of the hand.
Includes Hirose quick release connection system.
Hytera PD4/5,TC6 Series Dual White Earbud Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HHYT2HYTERA£35.00For discreet operations where it is important to blend in with the environment the HEPM22-HHYT2 white dual earbuds are ideal. Disguised as earpieces similar to those used with MP3 players the Kevlar lined cables and combined PTT/mic make this the perfect audio accessory for store detectives and similar type operations.
Hytera PD4/5/TC6 Series D Shape Receive Only Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HHYT2HYTERA£22.00Designed for covert use the HEHACT-HHY2 is comfortable to wear. It has replaceable silicone ear tips and clear acoustic tubes. Suitable for use in covert operations where the obvious use of radio communications is undesirable.
Supplied with the Hirose quick release connector and appropriate radio adapter.
Hytera PD6 Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic
SKU: EAN22HYTERA£39.00Hytera PD6 Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Microphone. Comprises a detachable acoustic tube and eartip. Includes ACN-02/ES-02
Hytera PD6/X1 Series Acoustic Tube Receive Only Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HHYT3HYTERA£22.00A clear acoustic tube that is also replaceable that provides clear crisp audio when used with the quick release Hirose connector system.
The HEHACT-HHYT3 is designed for covert use and includes Kevlar lined cables for extra durability.
Hytera PD6/X1 Series Bone Conduction Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HHYT3HYTERA£41.00A combined ear bud and bone conduction microphone with a press to talk switch. The in ear microphone picks up vibrations from the jaw bone and transmits clear speech. Ideal in high wind situations and it includes a second remote PTT so the operator can use it in the palm of the hand.
Includes the Hirose quick connection system.
Hytera PD6/X1 Series Neckloop Inductor With PTT – Beige
SKU: EWN13HYTERA£99.00For sophisticated and covert surveillance operations the EWN13 is ideal. It is a neckloop inductor with PTT designed to be used with the Hytera wireless earphone range. Available in Beige.
Hytera PD6/X1 Series Single Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HHYT3HYTERA£27.00For covert surveillance operations the HEPM06-HHYT3 is ideal. It comprises a removable silicon ear tip and replaceable clear acoustic tube. Designed to be worn discreetly in the ear it also includes an inline combined microphone and PTT.
Designed for use with the quick release Hirose connection system.
Hytera PD6/X1 Series Twin Earbud Style Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HHYT3HYTERA£35.00White twin earbud style earpiece that resembles MP3 player accessories. Ideal for covert use such as store detective where blending into the background is critical. Includes a compact inline combined microphone and PTT. Kevlar lined cables add additional strength.
Used with the quick release Hirose connection system.
Hytera PD6/X1 Series Two Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HHYT3HYTERA£29.95The two wire acoustic tube earpiece allows the user to run the microphone and PTT cable down the sleeve for truly covert operation.
Removable silicon ear tip and acoustic tube with Kevlar lined cables show the HACTM20-HHYT3 is a truly professional accessory
Hytera PD7/9 Series 1 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HHYTHYTERA£27.00For covert use the HEPM06-HHYT is the ideal covert audio accessory. The earpiece produces clear and crisp audio. Both the silicone ear tip and the clear acoustic tube can be replaced. Kevlar lined cables provide superior strength in operation.
The quick release Hirose connector allows rapid connection and release from the radio when used with the HHYT Hirose radio adapter [included].
Hytera PD7/9 Series 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HHYTHYTERA£29.95For covert operations the HACTM20-HHYT is ideal. The clear acoustic tube and silicone ear tip are both replaceable. An inline MIC and PTT allows for two way communication. The two wire arrangement allows the user to run the PTT cable down the sleeve for added discretion.
The earpiece is supplied with the Hirose quick release connector for extra convenience.
Hytera PD7/9 Series Bone Conduction Earphone/Microphone – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HHYTHYTERA£41.00The HBCM01-HHYT is a combined ear bud and bone conduction microphone that picks up vibrations from the users jaw bone and converts this to clear audio speech.
The microphone includes a PTT for transmission plus a remote PTT to allow the user to operate the PTT ftom the palm of the hand. Includes the Hirose radio adapter for quick and simple connection to your Hytera PD7 radio.
Hytera PD7/9 Series Dual White Earbuds Earpiece – Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HHYTHYTERA£35.00Very lightweight and discreet as the white earbuds resemble MP3 audio player accessories. Ideal for covert operations. Dual MP3 style earbuds give crisp and clear audio even in noisy environments.
Combined with the Hirose quick release connector feature the earbud earpiece is perfect for store detectives and other users requiring discreet communications. Includes and inline microphone and PTT.
Hytera PD7/9 Series Receive Only Acoustic Tube Earphone – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HHYTHYTERA£22.00Clear acoustic tube which is replaceable as well as the silicone ear tip. Designed for covert use and ideal for security type operations.
The cable is Kevlar lined for added durability.
Hytera PD700 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic/PTT
SKU: EAN23HYTERA£30.00EAN23 is an acoustic tube type earpiece with a microphone and PTT. Suitable for the PD705LT, PD785 and PD785G digital portable radios.
Hytera PD700 3 Wire Covert Earpiece & Acoustic Tube/Mic/PTT
SKU: EAN17 SeriesHYTERA£29.00The EAN17 and EAN 18 3 wire surveillance earpiece with acoustic tube and microphone/PTT is for covert use. Suitable for the Hytera PD705LT, PD785 and PD785G range of digital portable radios.
Hytera TC-700P 3 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic/PTT Beige
SKU: EAN06HYTERA£30.00For covert surveillance operations the 3 wire earpiece kit is ideal. It comprises separate leads for the microphone, PTT and earpiece and includes a replacable acoustic tube and eartip. Available in beige.
Hytera TC-700P Acoustic Tube Earpiece, Inline Mic/PTT Black
SKU: EAN07HYTERA£27.00For discreet use the EAN07 offers a simple acoustic tube style ear piece with removable acoustic tube and ear tip. It has an inline microphone and PTT and is available in black.
Hytera X1 3 Wire Covert Earpiece & Acoustic Tube/Mic/PTT
SKU: EAN21HYTERA£44.00EAN21 3-wire Surveillance Earpiece
Compatible with the Hytera X1 Digital Portable Covert Radio
Hytera X1 3-Wire Dual-PTT Surveillance Earpiece, Acoustic Tube -Beige
SKU: EAN19HYTERA£87.00EAN19 3-wire Dual-PTT Surveillance Earpiece with Transparent Acoustic Tube (Beige)
Compatible with the Hytera X1 Series Digital Portable Covert Radio.
Hytera X1 Digital Wireless Covert Earpiece, In-Line Controller
SKU: EWN07HYTERA£873.00EWN07 Digital Wireless Covert Earpiece with In-line Controller (Neckloop Sensor)
Compatible with the Hytera X1 Digital Portable Covert Radio
Hytera X1 Series Digital Wireless Covert Earpiece
SKU: EWN08HYTERA£873.00EWN08 Digital Wireless Covert Earpiece (Flatpack Sensor)
Compatible with the Hytera X1 series Portable Digital Covert Radio
Hytera Z1P Digital Wireless Covert Earpiece
SKU: EWN11HYTERA£199.00A digital wireless covert earpiece interface (Flatpack Sensor with built-in MIC and torpedo PTT) (Beige) (Excludes POA42 wireless in-ear earpiece.
Hytera Z1P/X1P 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Surveillance Kit
SKU: EAN24HYTERA£59.002-wire kit includes PTT/MIC/VOL, clip and transparant acoustic Tube, with 3.5mm jack plug. (Black)
ICOM IC-F 2 Pin Side & Lock Screws 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HI12BICOM£35.00A two wire surveillance accessory for full covert use. The almost invisible clear acoustic tube has a removable silicon ear tip. One cable can be worn down a sleeve with the combined mic/PTT held in the palm of the hand.
For extra convenience the kit includes the quick release Hirose connector and appropriate radio adapter.
ICOM IC-F 2 Pin Side & Lock Screws Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HI12BICOM£27.00A one wire acoustic tube earpiece. The tube and silicon ear tips are replaceable. The earpiece is fitted with a clothing clip. Kevlar lined cables make for a very rugged accessory.
Designed for covert use the earpiece comes with the Hirose quick release accessory and radio adapter
ICOM IC-F 2 Pin Side & Lock Screws Acoustic Tube Receive Only Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HI12BICOM£22.00A clear acoustic tube that is designed to work with a wide range of ICOM portable radios. The listen only earpiece uses a replaceable tube and ear tips and offers crystal clear audio.
Includes the quick release Hirose connection system.
ICOM IC-F 2 Pin Side & Lock Screws Bone Conduction Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HI12BICOM£41.00A combined ear bud and bone conduction microphone with a PTT. The in ear microphone picks up vibrations generated by the jaw bone and converts this into crystal clear speech. Ideal for use in high noise environments.
Uses the quick release HiRISE connector on the throat mic and radio adapter.
ICOM IC-F 2 Pin Side & Lock Screws Twin White Earbud Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HI12BICOM£35.00Designed for covert use and popular with store detectives as these white MP3 style earbuds are indistinguishable from those used for listening to music players. Includes a combined microphone and PTT.
Used with the quick release Hirose connection system.
ICOM IC-F Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic – 2 Pin Straight
SKU: ACTM20-I2ICOM£20.00The ACTM20-I2 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with most ICOM radios with a 2 pin top socket.
ICOM IC-F Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic – 2 Pin R/Angle/Screw
SKU: ACTM20-I3ICOM£20.00The ACTM20-I3 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with most ICOM radios with a 2 pin side socket with provision for screw fastening.
ICOM IC-F Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic -2 Pin R/Angle
SKU: ACTM20-I1ICOM£20.00The ACTM20-I1 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with ICOM radios with a 2 pin side socket.
ICOM IC-F Series Acoustic Tube Earphone & Clothing Clip
SKU: SP-27ICOM£20.00Clear Acoustic Tube Earphone With Clothing Clip. Suitable for ICOM radios.
ICOM IC-F Series Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic/PTT – 2 Pin R/Angle
SKU: EPM06-I1ICOM£16.00The EPM06-I1 clear acoustic tube earpiece features an inline microphone PTT and is compatible with most ICOM radios with a 2 pin side socket.
ICOM IC-F Series Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic/PTT – 2 Pin Straight
SKU: EPM06-I2ICOM£16.00The EPM06-I2 clear acoustic tube earpiece features an inline microphone PTT and is compatible with most ICOM radios with a 2 pin top socket. It is also compatible with the Yaesu/Vertex Standard VX200, VX500 and Maxon radios with a 2 pin top socket.
ICOM IC-F30/40 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HI6ICOM£29.95The 2 wire surveillance kit allows the user to run the PTT and microphone cable down the sleeve for covert operations. Kevlar lined cables ensure long life and the coiled tube and ear tips are replaceable.
Provides excellent audio quality and can be used with open ear moulds instead of ear tips.
Includes the quick release Hirose system.
ICOM IC-F30/40 Acoustic Tube 1 Wire Earpiece Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HI6ICOM£27.00This is a single wire covert earpiece with replaceable coiled tube and ear tips. It includes a combined microphone and PTT with a spring loaded clothing clip.
Cables are Kevlar lined for durability. Includes quick release Hirose system and radio adapter.
ICOM IC-F30/40 Acoustic Tube Receive Only Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HI6ICOM£22.00This clear acoustic tube earpiece offers crystal clear audio via the replaceable coiled tube. Cables are Kevlar lined for extra strength. Designed for covert use.
Includes the HiRISE quick release connection system and radio adapter.
ICOM IC-F30/40 Bone Conduction Earphone Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HI6ICOM£41.00For covert operations the bone conduction microphone picks up in ear vibrations and converts to speech. Eliminates any wind noise and is very discreet. The kit includes an inline PTT with a second remote PTT. Cables are Kevlar lined for extra durability.
Easy to clean, robust and ideal for communicating in high noise areas. Includes the quick release Hirose connector and radio adapter.
ICOM IC-F30/40 Dual White Earbuds Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HI6ICOM£35.00Very lightweight and ideal for covert operations such as store detectives, these white earbuds resemble those used with audio players. The kit includes an inline combined microphone and PTT and the quick release Hirose connection system.
ICOM IP501HPRO-220LP Mini PTT, Lock Function & Acoustic Tube
SKU: PROP220LPICOM£30.00A convenient audio accessory for use with the ICOM IP501H PoC portable radio.
ICOM IP740D Earphone & Throat Mic
SKU: HS-97.001ICOM£27.00ICOM IP740D Earphone & Throat Mic is suitable for use with a range of ICOM portable radios, including the IP740D and IP730D hybrid radios.
Kenwood NX-200 2 Wire Palm Mic Kit
SKU: KHS-11BLKENWOOD£90.00The KHS-11BL 2 wire palm microphone kit comes with an earphone and is compatible with a range of Kenwood portable radios.
Kenwood NX-200 3 Wire Mini Lapel Mic Kit
SKU: KHS-12BLKENWOOD£190.00The KHS-12BL 3 wire mini lapel microphone kit with earphone is compatible with a range of Kenwood portable radios.
Kenwood NX-200 Series Heavy Duty Earphone
SKU: KEP-1KENWOOD£36.00The KEP-1 heavy duty earphone is compatible with the a range of Kenwood portable radios.
Kenwood TK Series 1 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HK1KENWOOD£27.00A single wire acoustic tube earpiece ideal for covert surveillance operations. The acoustic tube is replaceable, along with the silicone ear tip. Discreet and high quality audio is ensured. Kevlar lined cables ensure durability and long life.
The earpiece is supplied fitted with the quick disconnect Hirose connector.
Kenwood TK Series 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HK1KENWOOD£29.95The clear acoustic tube provides crystal clear audio. It and the silicone ear tips are replaceable for good hygiene. The combined microphone and PTT can be clipped easily to a lapel with the attached clip. Alternatively the two wire design allows for the mic/PTT unit to be held in the hand with the cable running down the sleeve. Ideal for covert use.
Includes the quick disconnect Hirose connector and appropriate radio adapter.
Kenwood TK Series 2 Wire Palm Mic & Earpiece
SKU: KHS-8NCKENWOOD£86.00Suitable for a range of Kenwood portable radios. Includes a noise cancelling microphone.
Fitted with the Kenwood 2 pin connector.
Kenwood TK Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic -2 Pin
SKU: ACTM20-K1KENWOOD£20.00The ACTM20-K1 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction Compatible with Kenwood radios with a 2 pin socket. Also compatible with the Kirisun 3208 portable radio.
Kenwood TK Series 2-Wire Palm Microphone
SKU: KHS-8BLKENWOOD£75.00The KHS-8BL 2-wire palm microphone is compatible with the Kenwood TK-3301, TK-3201, TK-2202 series, TK-2170 series, TK-2160 series and TK-2302 series portable radios.
Kenwood TK Series 3-Wire Palm Mic
SKU: KHS-9BLKENWOOD£154.00The KHS-9BL 3-wire palm microphone is compatible with the Kenwood TK-3301, TK-3201, TK-2202 series, TK-2160 series, TK-2170 series and TK-2302 series portable radios.
Kenwood TK Series Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic/PTT – 2 Pin
SKU: EPM06-K1KENWOOD£16.00The EPM06-K1 clear acoustic tube earpiece features an inline microphone PTT and is compatible with most Kenwood radios with a 2 pin socket. It is also compatible with the Kirisun 3208 portable radio.
Kenwood TK Series Acoustic Tube Receive Only Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HK1KENWOOD£22.00Clear acoustic coiled tube that is easily replaceable and provides high quality discreet audio. Includes silicone ear tip, also replaceable. Designed for covert use. The radio cable includes the quick release Hirose system and is Kevlar lined for additional durability.
Kenwood TK Series Bone Conduction Earphone Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HK1KENWOOD£41.00A combined ear bud/bone conduction microphone with built in PTT. The in ear microphone converts vibrations from the jaw bone into crystal clear speech allowing users to communicate easily in high noise areas. Un affected by wind noise and ideal for covert operations the HBCMO1- HK1 is the perfect surveillance earpiece.
Includes the quick release Hirose connector and radio adapter.
Kenwood TK Series Dual White Earbud Earpiece Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HK1KENWOOD£35.00Designed to imitate MP3 style earbuds this accessory is perfect for covert surveillance operations such as store detectives. Coloured white and with an inline microphone and PTT.
The kit includes the Hirose quick disconnect system and includes the appropriate radio adapter.
Kenwood TK Series Earpiece &Transparent Audio Tube
SKU: KEP-2KENWOOD£42.00The KEP-2 earpiece with transparent audio tube is compatible with the Kenwood TK-3301, TK-3201, TK-2202 series, TK-2170 series, TK-2160 series and TK-2302 series portable radios.
Kenwood TK Series Multipin Acoustic Tube Listen Only Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HK2KENWOOD£22.00The crisp acoustic tube earpiece tube provides crisp and clear audio via the silicon ear-bud. Designed for covert use it is comfortable to wear and has replaceable tube and ear tips. Cables are Kevlar lined for added strength.
Includes the quick disconnect Hirose system.
Kenwood TK Series Multipin Bone Conduction Earphone Mic – Hirose Connector
SKU: HBCM01-HK2KENWOOD£41.00A combined ear bud and bone microphone with a PTT button. The in ear microphone picks up vibrations from the jaw bone and then transmits clear audio. One benefit is that there is no wind interference with this type of accessory. Ideal for covert surveillance operations.
The cables are Kevlar lined for extra strength and the kit includes the quick disconnect Hirose connection system.
Kenwood TK Series Multipin Single Wire Earpiece Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HK2KENWOOD£27.00A single wire acoustic tube earpiece with replaceable acoustic tube and silicon ear tips. Includes a neat inline mic and PTT. Excellent audio quality and Kevlar lined cables for added durability.
Kenwood TK Series Multipin Twin Earbud Earpiece Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HK2KENWOOD£35.00A very lightweight earpiece. Combines an inline microphone and PTT with twin white MP3 style earbud earpieces. Perfect for security applications such as store detectives. Cables are Kevlar lined for extra strength.
Kenwood TK Series Multipin Two Wire Earpiece Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HK2KENWOOD£29.95A very popular covert audio accessory. The two wire acoustic tube and silicon earpiece is comfortable to wear and has replaceable components. Ideal for security applications where discreet communications is needed. Includes Kevlar lined cables for extra durability.
Employs the unique quick disconnect Hirose connector system
Kenwood TK-D240/340 Single Wire Surveillance Kit With PTT
SKU: KHS-38SW2PKENWOOD£20.00 – £32.00Kenwood single wire surveillance kit with removable acoustic tube and combined microphone and PTT. Two wire version also available.
Listen Only Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece (2.5mm Plug)
SKU: EH-ACT-25UNIVERSAL£15.00The EH-ACT-25 clear acoustic tube earpiece is designed for covert use and is comfortable to wear whilst providing clear audio. Compatible with most radios with a 2.5mm plug.
Maxon SL Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic -2 Pin
SKU: ACTM20-MAXMAXON£20.00The ACTM20-MAX 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with most Maxon radios with a 2 pin side socket.
Midland G7 Acoustic Tube Earpiece Inline Mic/PTT
SKU: MA31LMIDLAND£18.50The 56-C732.03 MA31-L discreet acoustic tube earpiece Inline Mic/PTT contains a speaker and microphone with VOX and PTT. Compatible with the Midland G7, G8 and G12, as well as the Alan HP450 portable radios.
Motorola COMMPORT Ear Strap Kit
SKU: NTN8988AMOTOROLA£53.00For use with audio accessories for a range of Motorola portable radios.
Motorola CP/GP Series Clear Voicetube Kit
SKU: PMLN4605AMOTOROLA£16.00Voicetube kit for MDPMLN4418 and MDPMLN4519 kits which are used with the following radio models:-
– GP Professional
– GP Compact
– CP Series
– DP1000 Series
Motorola CP/GP Series Dual White Earbud & Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM22-HM1MOTOROLA£35.00Dual MP3 style ear buds and discreet microphone with PTT. Coloured white makes this earpiece ideal for store detectives and other covert applications. The cables are Kevlar lined for extra durability.
Includes the hirose quick connection system.
Motorola CP/GP Series Listen Only Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEHACT-HM1MOTOROLA£22.00Clear acoustic tube delivers crystal clear audio via the replaceable silicon ear tip. Designed for covert use and comfortable to wear for extended periods. Ideal for security applications.
Includes Kevlar lined cables and the unique quick release Hirose connector system.
Motorola CP/GP Series Single Wire Acoustic Earpiece & Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HEPM06-HM1MOTOROLA£27.00For covert applications the acoustic tube single wire earpiece is ideal. The acoustic tube and silicon ear tip are replaceable and the Kevlar lined cables add extra strength and durability.
Uses the quick release Hirose radio adapter [included].
Motorola CP/GP Series Two Wire Acoustic Earpiece & Inline Mic/PTT – Hirose Connector
SKU: HACTM20-HM1MOTOROLA£29.95A clear acoustic tube delivers crisp, clear audio and with the combined microphone and PTT that can be clipped either to the lapel or run down a sleeve for covert applications. Ideal for security operatives and store detectives.
Includes the Hirose quick release connector system.
Motorola CP040 2 Wire Earpiece & Clear Acoustic Tube
SKU: MDPMLN4606AMOTOROLA£33.50Suitable for use with Motorola CP Series portable radios.
Motorola CP040 2 Wire Surveillance Earpiece Combined Mic/PTT – Black
SKU: RLN4895AMOTOROLA£111.00Motorola original surveillance earpiece, black, for use with Motorola CP040 and GP300 portable radios.
Motorola CP040 Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic/PTT
SKU: EPM06-M1MOTOROLA£16.00The EPM06-M1 clear acoustic tube earpiece features an inline microphone PTT and is compatible with most Motorola radios with a 2 pin socket.
Motorola CP040/GP300 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-M1MOTOROLA£20.00The ACTM20-M1 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with Motorola radios with a 2 pin socket.
Motorola DP Series 1 Wire Surveillance Kit -Low Noise – Black
SKU: NNTN8459MOTOROLA£63.00I.S approved to UL/TIA 4950
Suitable for use with the DP3000 series portable radios.
Motorola DP/SL COMMPORT Ear Tubes – Pk 10
SKU: RLN5037AMOTOROLA£15.30Suitable for Motorola radios:-
– DP3441
– DP3000 series
– DP4000 series
– SL4000
Motorola DP1000 2 Wire Earpiece & Clear Acoustic Tube
SKU: PMLN6445AMOTOROLA£31.00Also available in black – quote PMLN6530A when ordering.
Suitable for use with the DP1000 series portable radios.
Motorola DP1000 Series Lightweight Temple Transducer
SKU: PMLN6541AMOTOROLA£91.00Suitable for use with the DP1000 series radios.
Motorola DP2000 Series 2 Wire Surveillance Kit
SKU: PMLN7269MOTOROLA£77.002 wire surveillance kit for use with the DP2000 series portable radios.
Motorola DP2000 Series 3 Wire Surveillance Earpiece
SKU: PMLN6754MOTOROLA£170.00Suitable for use with the DP2000 series portable radios.
Motorola DP3000 IMPRES 3 Wire Surveillance Kit & Low Noise Kit
SKU: PMLN6123AMOTOROLA£160.00For beige version state PMLN6124A when ordering.
Suitable for use with the Motorola DP3000 series radios.
Motorola DP3000 Low Noise Surveillance Kit
SKU: RLN5886AMOTOROLA£23.00Compatible with Motorola DP3000/DP4000 series radios.
Motorola DP3000/DP4000 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-M6MOTOROLA£25.00The ACTM20-M6 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with the Motorola DP series portable radios.
Motorola DP3000/DP4000 Earpiece – High Noise Kit -Beige
SKU: RLN6288MOTOROLA£13.23Earpiece with high noise kit in beige. Compatable with the DP3000 portable radio range
Motorola DP3000/DP4000 Earpiece – High Noise Kit -Black
SKU: RLN6289MOTOROLA£13.23For use in a high noise environment, compatable with the DP3000 portable radio range
Motorola DP3000/DP4000 High Noise Surveillance Kit
SKU: RLN5887AMOTOROLA£12.00For DP3000 and DP4000 series radios. Does not provide hearing protection.
Motorola DP3000/DP4000 Wireless Earbud, 1 Wire, 116cm length
SKU: NNTN8295AMOTOROLA£55.00Suitable for use with Motorola DP3000 radios.
•Lightweight and easy to install with fast PTT module (NNTN8191C)
•In-line microphone
•Cable length allows user to clip on PTT module at suitable position
Motorola DP4000 1 Wire Surveillance – Beige
SKU: RLN5879AMOTOROLA£24.00I wire surveillance earpiece in beige for Motorola DP4000 radios.
Motorola DP4000 1 Wire Surveillance – Black
SKU: RLN5878AMOTOROLA£24.001 wire surveillance kit for Motorola DP4000 radios.
Motorola DP4000 IMPRES 2-Wire Surveillance Kit – Beige
SKU: RLN5881AMOTOROLA£56.00RLN5881A IMPRESS 2-Wire Surveillance Kit – Beige
Operation: Recieve/Transmit
IntriNsic Safety Std: FM
Compatible with the Motorola DP4000 Series
Motorola DP4000 IMPRES 2-Wire Surveillance Kit, Acoustic Tube – Black
SKU: RLN5882AMOTOROLA£62.00RLN5882A IMPRES 2-Wire Surveillance Kit with acoustic tube – Black
Operation: Recieve/Transmit
Intrinsic Safety Std: FM
Compatible with the Motoroloa DP4000 Series.
Motorola DP4000 Series 1 Wire Surveillance Kit
SKU: PMLN6125AMOTOROLA£55.00Suitable for use with the DP4000 series portable radios.
Motorola DP4000 Series 2 Wire Surveillance Kit
SKU: PMLN6128AMOTOROLA£103.00Suitable for DP4000 series portable radios
Motorola DP4000 Series 3-Wire Surveillance Kit & Low Noise Kit – Beige
SKU: PMLN5112AMOTOROLA£72.00PMLN5112A IMPRES 3-Wire Surveillance Kit with Low Noise Kit – Beige
•Operation: Recieve/Transmit
•Intrinsic Safety Standard: FM
Compatible with the Motorola DP4000 Series.
Motorola DP4000 Series IMPRES 2 Wire Surveillance Kit
SKU: PMLN6127MOTOROLA£103.00Suitable for use with the DP4000 series portable radio.
Intrinsically safe to UL/TIA4950 standard.
Motorola DP4000 Series IMPRES 2 Wire Surveillance Kit & Low Noise Kit
SKU: PMLN6129AMOTOROLA£126.00 – £153.00Suitable for use with DP4000 portable radios.
Available in black or beige
Motorola DP4000 Series IMPRES 3-Wire Surveillance Kit – Beige
SKU: PMLN5106AMOTOROLA£68.00PMLN5106A IMPRES 3-Wire Surveillance Kit – Beige
•Operation: Recieve/Transmit
•Intrinsic Safety Std: FM
Compatible with the Motorola DP4000 Series.
Motorola DP4000 Series IMPRES 3-Wire Surveillance Kit – Black
SKU: PMLN5097AMOTOROLA£68.00PMLN5097A IMPRES 3-Wire Surveillance Kit – Black
•Operation: Recieve/Transmit
•Intrinsic Safety Std: FM
Compatible with the Motorola DP4000 Series.
Motorola DP4000 Series IMPRES 3-Wire Surveillance Kit & Low Noise Kit – Black
SKU: PMLN5111AMOTOROLA£72.00PMLN5111A IMPRES 3-Wire Surveillance Kit with Low Noise Kit – Black
•Operation: Recieve/Transmit
•Intrinsic Safety Std: FM
Compatible with the Motorola DP4000 Series.
Motorola DP4000 Series Wireless Surveillance Kit & Acoustic Tube
SKU: PMLN7052MOTOROLA£81.00Wireless surveillance kit and acoustic tube for use with the DP4000 series portable radios.
Motorola DP4000M IMPRES 2-Wire Surveillance Kit – Black
SKU: RLN5880AMOTOROLA£56.00RLN5880A IMPRES 2-Wire Surveilance Kit – Black
Operation: Recieve/Transmit
Intrinsic Safety Std: FM
Compatible with the Motorola DP4000 Series.
Motorola GP Series 2-Wire Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-M3MOTOROLA£25.00The ACTM20-M3 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with the Motorola GP340 series portable radios.
Motorola GP340 D-Shape Earpiece, Boom Mic & Lapel PTT
SKU: LHS01D-M3MOTOROLA£26.00The LHS01D-M3 D-shaped earpiece is made from a soft and malleable material with an adjustable boom microphone and robust lapel fitting PTT. Compatible with the Motorola GP340 series portable radios.
Motorola GP344 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-M4MOTOROLA£25.00The ACTM20-M4 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with the Motorola GP344 series portable radios. It also fits the HYT 3000/36000 portable radios.
Motorola GP344/GP388 2 Wire Earbud & Clear Acoustic Tube
SKU: MDPMLN4608AMOTOROLA£58.00Suitable for use with the Motorola GP Compact series radios [GP344/388 etc]
Motorola MTH Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-MTHMOTOROLA£25.00The ACTM20-MTH 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with Motorola radio models with a single pin side socket with locking screw.
Motorola MTH/MTP Series Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece
SKU: EH-ACT-MTHMOTOROLA£15.00The EH-ACT-MTH clear acoustic tube earpiece is designed for covert use and is comfortable to wear whilst providing clear audio. Compatible with the Motorola MTH650, MTH800 and MTP850 portable radios.
Motorola MTH/MTP Series Covert Dual White Earpiece Mic With PTT
SKU: EPM22-MTHMOTOROLA£15.00The EPM22-MTH covert dual white earpiece microphone features a small inline microphone with PTT and is lightweight. Compatible with the Motorola MTH650, MTH800 and MTP850 portable radios.
Motorola P100 2-Wire Surveillance Earpiece, Mic/PTT
SKU: HMN9754DMOTOROLA£154.00The HMN9754D 2-wire surveillance earpiece with microphone and PTT is compatible with the Motorola P100 series portable radios.
Motorola P100 Receive Only Earpiece & Translucent Tube
SKU: MDRLN4941AMOTOROLA£69.00The MDRLN4941A receive only earpiece with translucent tube and eartip is for use with remote speaker microphones with a 3.5mm audio jack. Compatible with the Motorola P100 series portable radios. DISCONTINUED – CLICK LINK BELOW TO SEE REPLACEMENT PRODUCT – PMLN7560
Motorola P100/DP1400 Extreme Noise Kit
SKU: RLN6230AMOTOROLA£30.00The RLN6230A [black] or RLN6231A [beige] extreme noise kit is compatible with the Motorola P100 and DP1400 series portable radios.State colour when ordering.
Motorola P100/DP1400 Series Low Noise Kit
SKU: RLN6232AMOTOROLA£18.00The RLN6232A [black] or RLN6241A [beigelow noise kit is compatible with the Motorola P100 and DP1400 series portable radios.State colour when ordering.
Motorola R7 Surveillance Kit & PTT/Mic
SKU: PMLN8341MOTOROLA£55.00 – £125.00Motorola surveillance kit in three versions. Each with a PTT/Microphone combined. Select either 1 wire [PMLN8341A]; 2 wire [PMLN8342A]; 3 wire [PMLN8343A].
Motorola R7 Swivel Earpiece
SKU: PMLN8295AMOTOROLA£84.00A 2 wire swivel earpiece with ear tip fitting. Suitable for use with the Motorola R7 DMR radio.
Motorola Replacement Eartip for Wireless Earbud
SKU: NNTN8299AMOTOROLA£10.00Motorola DP3000; DP4000; DP3441 and SL4000 radio models.
Motorola SL1600 2 Wire Earpiece & Acoustic Tube & PTT
SKU: PMLN7157AMOTOROLA£50.002 wire earpiece with clear acoustic tube and PTT for the Motorola SL1600 slimline portable radio. [Black]
Motorola SL1600 Surveillance Earpiece,Mic/PTT Combined
SKU: PMLN7158AMOTOROLA£44.00Surveillance earpiece with mic and PTT combined for the Motorola SL1600 slimline portable radio. [Black]
Motorola SL4000 Surveillance Earpiece With Mic/ PTT
SKU: PMLN5957AMOTOROLA£55.00The Motorola PMLN5957A surveillance earpiece is available in black with a clear acoustic tube earpiece. It has an inline mic with PTT.
Motorola Talkabout 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-M2MOTOROLA£20.00The ACTM20-M2 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with Motorola radios with a single pin socket. Also compatible with Cobra radios with a single pin socket.
Motorola XT400/XTNi Acoustic Tube Earpiece – Inline Mic/PTT
SKU: HKLN4477BMOTOROLA£30.00Suitable for the Motorola XT400 Series and XTNi licence free radios.
Motorola XT660D Surveillance Kit
SKU: HKLN4601MOTOROLA£40.00High quality Motorola original surveillance kit for the Motorola XT660d licence free radio.
Sepura SRP Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-SEPSEPURA£20.00The ACTM20-SEP 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with Sepura radios with a single pin side socket.
Sepura SRP Series Covert Dual White Earpiece Mic With PTT
SKU: HPM750-SPSEPURA£35.00The EPM22-SEP covert dual white earpiece microphone features a small inline microphone with PTT and is lightweight. Compatible with the Sepura SRP2000, SRP3000, SRP3500 and SRP3800 portable radios.
Please note the image is generic.
Sepura SRP-3500 3 Wire Acoustic Earphone,Mic & Torpedo PTT
SKU: SP-3500SEPURA£28.00The SP-3500 3 wire acoustic earphone with microphone and torpedo PTT is compatible with the Sepura SP-3500 portable radio.
Sepura SRP2000 3 Wire D-Shaped Earpiece Mic & Torpedo PTT
SKU: SP-3300SEPURA£21.77The SP-3300 3 wire d-shaped earpiece earphone with microphone and torpedo PTT is compatible with the Sepura SRP2000 portable radio.
Sepura SRP2000 3 Wire Earbud Earphone, Mic & Torpedo PTT
SKU: SP-3100SEPURA£19.00The SP-3100 3 wire earbud earphone with microphone and torpedo PTT is compatible with the Sepura SRP2000 portable radio.
Sepura SRP2000 3 Wire Earhook Earpiece, Mic & Torpedo PTT
SKU: SP-3200SEPURA£20.00The SP-3200 3 wire earhook earpiece with microphone and torpedo PTT is compatible with the Sepura SRP2000 portable radio.
Sepura SRP2000 Acoustic Tube Earphone
SKU: SP-2000ESEPURA£18.00The SP-2000E acoustic tube earphone is a listen-only device. Compatible with the Sepura SRP2000 portable radio.
Sepura SRP2000 Acoustic Tube Earphone Mic/PTT
SKU: SP-186SEPURA£18.00The SP-186 acoustic tube earphone microphone with PTT is compatible with the Sepura SRP2000 portable radio.
Sepura SRP2000 D-Shaped Earpiece, Mic & In-Line PTT
SKU: SP-340SEPURA£16.00The SP-340 d-shaped earpiece with microphone and in-line PTT is compatible with the Sepura SRP2000 portable radio.
Sepura SRP2000/SRP3000 Series Clear Acoustic Tube Earpiece
SKU: EH-ACT-SEPSEPURA£15.00The EH-ACT-SEP clear acoustic tube earpiece is designed for covert use and is comfortable to wear whilst providing clear audio. Compatible with the Sepura SRP2000, SRP3000, SRP3500 and SRP3800 portable radios.
Simoco SDP750/760 1 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic/PTT
SKU: 7A0EP000ZEFSIMOCO£38.00Designed for discreet operation of the following radio models:-
– Simoco SDP750
– Simoco SDP760
Simoco SDP750/760 2 Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece & Mic/PTT
SKU: 7A0EP000ZE1SIMOCO£43.00A two wire acoustic tube style earpiece with replaceable acoustic tube, elbow and ear tips. To suit Simoco SDP750/760 series radios.
Swatcom Multicom Throat Microphone With Inline Lemo Connector
SKU: SCMC-SC5SWATCOM£160.00High quality, water and dust proof throat microphone. Can be used with a wide range of face masks and helmets. Slimline and covert.
Swatcom Multicom Throat Microphone
SKU: SCMC-PTM1SWATCOM£230.00Ideal for use in high noise environments the PTM1 throat microphone has a reinforced Kevlar lined cable, replaceable acoustic tube earpieces, adjustable throat band with dual microphones.
Tait TP7/TP8 2 Wire Earphone, Combined Lapel Mic/PTT
SKU: T03-00047-BAAATAIT£65.00The T03-00047-BAAA 2 wire in-ear earphone with combined lapel mic and PTT is compatible with the Tait TP7110 and TP8100 series portable radios.
Tait TP7/TP8 2 Wire Earphone, Lapel Mic & PTT
SKU: TPB-AA-203/T03-00047-CBAATAIT£65.00The TPB-AA-203 2 wire earphone with lapel mic and PTT is compatible with the Tait TP7110 and TP8100 series portable radios.
Part number change to T03-00047-CBAA
Tait TP8100 2 Wire Earphone With Palm Mic & PTT
SKU: TPA-AA-221TAIT£155.00The TPA-AA-221 2 wire earphone with palm microphone and PTT is compatible with the Tait TP8100 series portable radio.Requires adapter.
Tait TP8100 3 Wire In-Ear Earphone With Lapel Mic/PTT
SKU: TPA-AA-213TAIT£168.00The TPA-AA-213 3 wire in-ear earphone with lapel mic and PTT is compatible with the Tait TP8100 series portable radios.
TTi TX1000U Surveillance Kit
SKU: JH-804-SSTTI£16.66TT1 TX1000U 2 wire surveillance kit, acoustic tube, replaceable ear tips, combined microphone/PTT.
TTi TX1000U Surveillance Kit & Acoustic Tube/PTT
SKU: LGR-72-SSTTI£23.32Suitable for use with the TTi TX1000U licence free portable radio.
Universal Spare Clear Acoustic Tube
SKU: ACTUNIVERSAL£10.00The ACT clear acoustic tube & earbuds are compatible with most radios.
Vertex VX Series 2-Wire Acoustic Tube Earpiece Mic
SKU: ACTM20-YVERTEX£27.00The ACTM20-Y 2-wire clear acoustic tube is for covert use. The microphone and PTT may be clipped to a lapel, top pocket or held in hand. Provides excellent audio reproduction and robust construction. Compatible with most Yaesu Vertex/Standard radios with a single pin socket.
Vertex VX Series 3 Wire Surveillance Acoustic Tube & Inline Mic/PTT
SKU: VH-120SVERTEX£185.00A high quality 3 wire surveillance kit with detachable acoustic tube and replacable eartip.
Vertex VX-261/VX-264 1 Wire Surveillance Kit
SKU: MH-101A4BVERTEX£32.00The MH-101A4B is a one wire surveillance kit with inline microphone and PTT and attached clothing clip. Suitable for use with the Vertex VX-261 and VX-264 portable radios.
Vertex VX-261/VX-264 Series 2 Wire Surveillance Kit
SKU: MH-102A4BVERTEX£43.00A more flexible solution than the 1 wire kit is the MH-102A4B which has the acoustic tube earpiece on one wire and the combined microphone and PTT on a separate lead.
Suitable for use with the Vertex VX-261 and VX-264 portable radios.
Vertex VX-920 2-Wire Surveillance Earpiece & Combined Mic/PTT
SKU: VH-131VERTEX£150.00The Yaesu Vertex/Standard VH-131 2-wire surveillance earpiece with combined microphone and PTT is compatible with the Yaesu Vertex/Standard VX-920E series portable radio.
Vertex VX-920 3-Wire Surveillance Earpiece With Mic/PTT
SKU: VH-121VERTEX£198.00The VH-121 3-wire surveillance earpiece with microphone & palm PTT is compatible with the Yaesu Vertex/Standard VX-920E series portable radio.