The Simoco SRP9100 series is based on the highly established SRM9000 series mobile radios. With dual mode capability, users can benefit from roaming between local PMR and regional trunked radio networks, ensuring that communication is always possible. The SRP9100 series has been designed with the user in mind, providing a cost effective simple yet sophisticated communications solution.
The SRP9100 series is available in both conventional and trunked versions (please specify when ordering), as well as various frequency and style alternatives to ensure that users receive a customised radio that fits around their business needs.
Standard features include:
Voice scrambling
Provides a greater level of security, which minimises the risk of casual eavesdropping.
LCD Display
With a back light, operating the radio in poor light conditions is simpler.
Programmable keys
Users can program up to 7 keys to important functions which encourages communication efficiency.
Other features include: Minimum of 200 channels and 100 scan/vote groups available, switchable channel spacing, CTCSS encode/decode, auto-volume facility, remote stun/revive, separate alarm button, twin jack accessory socket, LED converters, field programmable via fully customisable memory system and programmable channel spacing (12.5kHz, 20kHz or 25kHz).
Supplied with: Battery (please specify below), antenna and user guide.