The Simoco SRM9000 series mobile radios meet the needs of users who are wanting the simplest voice communication to the most demanding, with its range of options that’s perfect for your business. The SRM9000 series provides a reliable, high quality and flexible range of solutions.
Standard features include:
Allows customisation of the mobile radio to be used as a trunked or conventional system.
Option boards
Allowing the mobile radio to grow with your developing business needs.
Selective calling provides privacy by allowing users to call other single users.
Other features include: Up to 1,000 channels, CTCSS/ DTMF, scanning/voting in PMR mode, FFSK built-in modem, 1200/2400 bit/sec and up to 250 call addresses in trunk mode.
Supplied with: Control mic, handset/control head, 4.9 extension lead kit, loudspeaker extension cable, DC power lead, fuse kit and user manual.